Monday, April 30, 2012

#11 - The Meatrix

“The Meatrix” films: “The Meatrix”, “The Meatrix: Revolting”, and “The Meatrix II ½”, are series of the cartoons that are inspired by the film of brothers Wachowski The Matrix. The main purpose of “The Meatrix” is to make viewers aware of animal living condition and show the process of feeding animals.
The livestock is treat by the food factories owners in very bad condition. The pigs and cows don’t have space and are sick. There are stuff of unnaturally by artificial animal feed   antibiotics  Their life is pitiful and full of pain. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Today the Writing center tutors-in-training visited our class to help us with revisions of blog #7 and #9.
This was very useful experience. The tutor Danielle helped me to develop the essay, find mistakes, and make it easier to read. Thanks to tutor I found more evidence and examples to support my essay. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

#9. Red Pill or Blue Pill: Is Ignorance Bliss?

Christine Cornell and Patrick Malcomson, the authors of the passage “Red Pill or Blue Pill: Is Ignorance Bliss?” confront the protagonists of two pieces: “The Matrix” - science fiction action film written and directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski in 1999, and “Alice in Wonderland” - novel written by Lewis Carroll in 1865. The authors of the passage show that “The Matrix” and “Allice in Wonderland” were inspired by “The Allegory of the Cave” – parable written by Plato about 500 B.C. Despite the fact that these tree works were written in different time of development of human civilization, they unveil confusion and pose an eternal question: whether our life is real or it is just a dream - illusion from reality.  In my opinion the authors of these tree stories used the metaphor as a tool to show us that human life has “second bottom” - the mystery that everyone has to discover during his or her life journey. In “The Matrix” the blue pill represents life of ignorance, and the red pill the life of awareness - full of experiences. If I have a chance to decide about my life I would choose the red pill, because life of ignorance seems to be very sad.

First , I think that the ”red pill” world is very fascinating. In “The Matrix” Morpeus said: “You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes… Remember, all I’m offering is truth, nothing more.” I'm impressed by people who are curious about surrounding world. The philosophers and scientists penetrate the world in order to find the answer that bothers human being since ever. Their outstanding behaviors, creativity and self-determination helped human civilization achieve success in many fields. The innovations, especially science development could not be possible if the scientists didn't have challenges. There are many examples proving, that self-determination and creativity brings many goods for the human civilization. My favorite example is life of Nicolas Copernicus, whose outstanding writings caused strong reactions of his surroundings of that time, and turned science upside down. As a result he revealed the new world order, and began the scientific revolution.

Another interesting issue which can be symbolized by the red pill is education. Thanks to education we can see and understand the issues we didn’t notice before. We start to change and improve the world. I think that the human achievements should be useful for the society we live in. I think that everyone has a social role, which makes us useful for society. As People living in a free, democratic country we are very lucky because we have many opportunities to improve our knowledge and skills. We can go to school and develop our talents that can serve for other people. In my opinion people that join college are more conscious members of our society. It is proved the 2010 census data shows that the crimes in educated group of people are many times lower than uneducated. In addition educated people have better job opportunity. I graduated from architectural school in Poland and without that experience I couldn’t practice an architectural designer profession today.

Finally, I would take a “red pill” because I would like to know that my existence has a positive influence on the community that I live in, and for the future generations. I care about people, animals and natural environment that surrounds me. I am thinking more about reasons and effects of my existence. For example I would love to own a luxurious house furnished of exotic wood. However, to bring tropical timber to our houses the rain forest has to be destroyed. If these actions are massive, it can cause irreversible changes in the ecosystem. In my opinion people should be more responsible, and they should think more about their purchasing, because indirectly they can  irrecoverably damage the natural environment.

As shown, the world symbolized by “red pill” can be very interesting and fascinating. The history brings us many examples of  people who disobeyed society's rules. The people who tried to follow their own instincts has significant influence to human civilization. In addition education and responsible behavior causes, that our live can by joyful, and bring many positive effects to our surroundings.

Monday, April 16, 2012

#8 1. Are You Living in The Matrix? Neo suspects from the beginning of the story that something is wrong with his world: that he is somehow controlled or manipulated into believing things that are not true. The Wachowski brothers (the writers and directors of the film) had to get the idea that we might be living in a fake world from somewhere; and, in fact, The Matrix resonated with audiences who rarely watch science fiction. Are we living in The Matrix? Are you? How do you know?

1. Are You Living in The Matrix? Neo suspects from the beginning of the story that something is wrong with his world: that he is somehow controlled or manipulated into believing things that are not true. The Wachowski brothers (the writers and directors of the film) had to get the idea that we might be living in a fake world from somewhere; and, in fact, The Matrix resonated with audiences who rarely watch science fiction. Are we living in The Matrix? Are you? How do you know?

Since  the beginning of human civilization, people  believed that  the alternative world exist somewhere else; however, we are still unable to proof of existence of other civilizations. 
 People like the stories and intellectual challenges;

 however, so far we couldn't  any other civilizations. Therefore we create the stories.  as the only one

 civilization living on the Earth most intellectually developed beings living on the Earth we feel lonely. Since ever we we would like to share the experience of our civilization and compete  with other beings. Unfortunately, other creatures living on the Earth are less intelligent and unable to satisfy our intellectuals needs, therefore people create the stories and dream, that .

 In Antiquity with its creatures exist somewhere else. . In antiquity   The history of literature and cinematography shows many examples of Science Fiction stories. 

In aquity 

The Matrix doesn't exist.
Matrix is one of hundreds science fiction stories, that was written to entertain people. It inspires us to think about or life deeper but doesn't convince.
No one found the way to penetrate the alternative real world. We can believe in many stories but this is just imagination.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blog#7 The Dangers of Reality TV

In the passage "The Dangers of Reality TV." Timothy Sexton states that "The life is nothing but the competition". Nowadays, people need more and more stimulants in order to succeed in their lives. We are bored by routines of our lives, such as job, home duties, and the same friends all the time. In order to entertain our boring life, we watch the reality shows, that move us to life of our dreams. However, In my opinion the TV shows send many negative messages. The reality shows are stupefying and make people believe to fake and exaggerated image of society.
First of all, the reality TV present the fake image of the society. The audience of real TV are usually young people, who are in the process of self- developing. The young generation takes the information from the media without any verification. As an example I could bring the show "Desperate Housewife", where people are rich and spoiled. However the real image of society is different. The reality TV promotes extremely exaggerated behaviors, that are overdrawn. The TV producers want just to keep audiences excited. However, many times the TV audiences think, that the lifestyle shown in that show is the standard behavior. At work, school or in bars, we can see many people that discuss issues from the shows. The young people find that very attractive. In my opinion, that is dangerous. The teenagers can have difficulties to face the problem of real life, which is completely different that TV show.
Another interesting issue is that TV promotes just powerful people, with strong personality. The show producers make us believe that "the competition is the key to success in the market economy". In the shows, there are many participants but just one winner, who is the most cunning or has  the best appearance . The average or week people are not attractive for TV. However, the real society is more diversified, and usually not as perfect as participants of the show. We should remember that the power and financial success are not the only one attribute that make someone valuable.
Finally, I believe that the majority of reality shows are stupefying, and promote entertaining people, who are usually "empty". The most ridiculous TV show in my opinion is “Jackass”, which  try to amuse TV audiences  by showing self-mutilation. It doesn't have any educational or ethical value, and brings us the lowest level of entertainment. I am disappointed that in TV, there is fewer and fewer shows that promote good, intelligent entertainment.
Personally, I stopped to watch TV shows few years ago, because I don’t find them anymore funny.  The shows create the fake image of the society, displaying just exaggerated characters. In addition the TV shows are stupefying. I am afraid that teenagers, who are growing up on watching the real TV can have difficulties to become a part of the real society, which is more diversified. 

Blog #6 3. Self - determination: Truman struggles between what his society (and his "god", Cristoff) tells him to do and be, and what he feels he wants to be. Consider your own life (or life of someone you know well): Have you ever disobeyed society's rules because you were trying to follow your own instincts? What made you want to disobey the rules? What did you expect to gain from your disobedience confirm that you made the right choce? Again, you may use someone other than yourself for this opinion.

When six hundred years ago Nicolaus Copernicus published “On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres” - the new the theory showing the Glob circulates around the Sun, everyone though, that he lost his mind, and he talk nonsense. He had very little support form his fellows; even he proved his researches with very strong evidence.
Copernicus’ outstanding writings caused strong reactions of his surroundings of that time, and turned the science upside down. As a result he revealed the new world order, and began the scientific revolution. However,the history shown that, the individual who disobeyed society's rules and tried to follow their own instincts has significant influence over human civilization.The innovations, especially science development could not be possible if the scientists stay in the position as surround society. There is many examples proving, that self-determination and creativity brings many goods for the human civilization.