Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blog #6 3. Self - determination: Truman struggles between what his society (and his "god", Cristoff) tells him to do and be, and what he feels he wants to be. Consider your own life (or life of someone you know well): Have you ever disobeyed society's rules because you were trying to follow your own instincts? What made you want to disobey the rules? What did you expect to gain from your disobedience confirm that you made the right choce? Again, you may use someone other than yourself for this opinion.

When six hundred years ago Nicolaus Copernicus published “On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres” - the new the theory showing the Glob circulates around the Sun, everyone though, that he lost his mind, and he talk nonsense. He had very little support form his fellows; even he proved his researches with very strong evidence.
Copernicus’ outstanding writings caused strong reactions of his surroundings of that time, and turned the science upside down. As a result he revealed the new world order, and began the scientific revolution. However,the history shown that, the individual who disobeyed society's rules and tried to follow their own instincts has significant influence over human civilization.The innovations, especially science development could not be possible if the scientists stay in the position as surround society. There is many examples proving, that self-determination and creativity brings many goods for the human civilization.

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