Wednesday, March 21, 2012

BLOG#5 I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts


One of the most significant weaknesses of human brain is the fact, that people are very naive, and belief easily in lies. Human's brains are very sticky to the false information. The study of scientists, described by Jefferey Kluger in the passage: "I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts", conclude that: "It is easy to manipulate people's belief systems with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes". People in general are so attached to their beliefs that they don't wont to change their opinion, even has been proved that they are wrong.

            I think that the main problem is the fact, that the majority of people draw information from the media without any verification. The TV is the fastest, and easies information provider. However, many studies shown that contemporary society has tendency to avoid analyze messages.  As a result, the modern society is slowly stupefy by media, and more credulous. People draw more and more  information base on  images and short messages,  therefore these messages can be easy acquire  and don’t  have to be analyzed.

The politicians, and corporation lobbyists that have influence over media like . This is amazing tool  is used to convince people to their rights. The best example are presidential elections. Usually the candidates present on TV  has more chances to win elections. People believe that if he is in TV he is very important, and vote to him. The same way corporations show their power that they products they sell and change your life. If we see successful , handsome person used account in Citibank, we  subconsciously want to be the same. we want to identify with sertain brends and use their products. However, we should know, that the society that don't think weak and  become the tool of grup rzadzacych.

            Another issue that is important is the fact, that false believe create many problems. False believe are the most powerful tool to stimulate peoples behavior, especially in totalitary regim countries such as North Korea. The most extreme example of government propaganda in such a contries as Nort korea become become so powerful that habitants of that countries beleieve that everyting what is out of their countru is dangarous/ KOreans brains przeszly pranie mozgu. This society individuals are unable to have their own opinion, analize the facts and wysuwac wnioski .They take governmant info as an fact and trust a lot.

Even the peole who find out the facts, don't want to change their opinion, I am always warry about how easly th shows neames and facas people who are suspects shocking TV facts,ana present the names of people who are suspected in crymes or their activity. Television likes shocking unfo, but we should know  It is impotrant that tv shows alll info responibly thet media have huge responsibility as well. Very often people shown as suspects become niewinni, however bad image stick to th face of that person for many years. They life become an horror, then can be excluded from society by wrong juges.
Another example is the fact which was mention in th article"..." about MOaque, taht supose to be build in Ground Zero area. I watch docimentary in PBS which explained that almost all info public has in media are not true. Musulmans organization wantednopen Musulman Culturalk Center in Downtown Manhattan, few bloks from ground zeto but media rozprzestrzenily plotke that it is Ground Zeo

            Finally, I highly agree with the opinion of ..., that it is easy manipulate people's believe ystem with insinuating pictures or inflamantory quates. When i think about that isuue, immediatly (przychodzi mi na mysl) tabloid press, that zywi sie szokujacymi nowinami i zdjeciami. Tabloids hiring paparazzi who fallow famous people in oprder to get zdjecie - more shocking better!! Usulally pictures dont give the background situation and can be vey easy interpretowane - ussualy wrong. So media create wrong stories. But the readers of that kind of press have tpo remember that niejednokrotnie such a pictures or records can destroid sombodys life, and as a readers we are are taking part of selling industry. One of the best example is the rumor about planned Mosque at Ground Zero. There was huge public discution In fact,  Muslim Community Centerin Downtown Manhattan. Most people think that It is
Another example is mesage or pictures from Afganistan. TV shows messsages or pictures of Alkaida terrorists as terraorists with kalasznikow., but the real fact is completly different. The majority of people are peacefull hard working who wants piecesa ndlive in godnym zyciu

As shown, we can find many examples of human naiwnosci and miserable behaviors. We should remember that the fals believs, insinuation pictures and inflamantories quates are part of manipulation. Some wants us to beleive to that. We should feel more confortable with our own opinion. We should criztisize som eof them We should analize the facts czerpane z roznych zrodel abnd wyrobic our own opinion We shouldnent neither stick to those opinion because the worle change and we can bewreong

 I think that reason of that situation is fact, that people are lazy, and they don't filter the information.

In my opinion contemporary society is
I think that  more and more people draw their information from TV without  People trust more and more media and they don't want to think to much about TV


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