Wednesday, March 14, 2012


"The Allegory of the Cave" has been written by Plato about 2 400 year ago, and describes imagination on his world in symbolic way. He shows the people, as chained  prisoners facing the wall  full of shadows. They are not able to move, so they don't know  what causes these shadows. As a result, they think that the shadows are real. They used to live in that pitiful condition since ever, so they don't know that "real" world exist somewhere else. One day, one of prisoners became free. He left the cave, and went to see the real world outside the cave. He was shocked. He found out that everything he had known so far was just reflection of real shapes and sounds. He decided to return to the cave and brings good news to other prisoners. Unfortunately, they did not understand what he is talking about. They mocked at him and tried to kill him.

Plato's Allegory symbolically describes the world that we live in.  The Philosopher shows our  life as a cave, and we are chained prisoners, who think that the reflected shapes on the wall are real . Plato believes that we can free ourself  by intellectual challenges. The world of knowledge gives us the power to  break the chains, and see the real source that brings energy to our soul and mind. The philosophical idea encourages us to answer the question: Where is my place in the cave? As usually there is no easy answer  for philosophical questions. 
I think that I am one, who is trying to free himself from the chains of  triviality of  life. I am always looking for opportunity to see new perspectives, and reach new goals, to satisfy my personal needs. Few years ago I decided to leave Poland, and start my new life in New York. It was very challenging decision; the new country with its rules, new language,  and new culture. I settled down, and I found new friends and interesting job. The fact of living in New York gave me opportunity to meet exciting people from different parts of world, with their different points of view. I understood what cultural diversity means. The fact of living in New York encourages me to face new  intellectual challenges, and to answer many new questions that I didn't have before.
 I think, that the strong self-confidence, and optimistic life attitude can give me enough force to break the chains, and perceive many thinks that I did not notice before.

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