Wednesday, May 16, 2012

#15 Playtime Is Over

The passage “Playtime is Over” written by David Elkind touch up on very interesting issue that is student’s free time. The author states that recess is no more free students’ time but has been replaced by recreation under supervision of “recess coaches”. The study of University of Michigan pointed that in the last decades the young students ”lost eight hours of free time a week for unstructured play and outdoor activities.” The number of free recreation hours constantly decrease in favor of hours of classes. I personally disagree with the author of passage these hours are lost. I believe that the recreation under supervision of adult “recess coaches” causes more advantages than plays of kids by themselves. Children need the proper guides to discover surrounding world. I think that process of socializing of children is better if an adult supervises children’s free activities. In addition, children should be slowly prepared for the challenges that they are going to face in their future life.
Firstly, we should remember that children are very naïve. They need appropriate guide who can inspire them and help to discover the world and show what is god and what bad in their behavior. As a child, I used to believe in many stories made up by my friends. My classmate once told me that he keeps an African Lion in the backyard, and if I don’t give him some candies his animal Is going to swallow me. Today that story seems very funny; however, for one who is eight years old this was terribly curtail message.  If as a kids we would have someone who would give us good advices and direction of play we would better use the time of free recreation, and faster uncover that some stories are unreal and not true. I believe that the process of socializing of children can pass smoother if the children could have an adult supervisor, who can help them to understand the world. Children are unable to estimate surrounding world, therefore the help of professional couch can be very helpful.
          Secondly, children have a lot of energy to run down. To help children to grow up in sustainable way they need as many hours of recreation as possible. I believe that a practice of sport helps a lot in proper development of children. As an example I should mention my sisters eight years old son. His behavior had changed a lot since he started trainings of Karate. He became quiet and more concentrated at school. Thanks to Karate coach that little boy discovered that some behaviors are inappropriate. The trainer explained them also that the children should be respectful and friendly for their mates.
Finally, we should remember that modern world changes very rapidly. Every day we face new challenges. In order to preparing children to face difficulties of the future life, adults should give them opportunity to grow up in good environment. I believe that outdoor activities and observation of nature can learn a lot. Children should have an adult who can help them managing their time, so these activities can help in development of children’s skills. There are many techniques that professional teachers or coaches use in order to help to educate young students. As an example I should mention “Green Schools”, which has often place in countryside. During the few days trip to the countryside children can learn about the farm’s animals, discover how to use traditional village tools and eat natural food that comes from the farm. This form of education brings unforgettable experience, that stay in the memory of young students for very long time.
As I mentioned, I believe that education and proper development during the early children’s life can be better if young students have support from teachers and coaches because they can help children to understand the surrounding world, and explain may difficult issues in an appropriate way.  


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