Sunday, May 27, 2012


Gołąbki - Polish dish

            The final cooking project inspired me to prepare one of my favorites dishes called "Gołąbki". This is a traditional Polish dish made from boiled cabbage leaves and stuffed with minced pork or beef, chopped onions and rice or barley. Usually, it baked in a casserole dish with a tomato sauce. Despite the fact that preparation of gołąbki is time consuming, this dish is pretty easy to make. On Saturday morning, I invited my friends for a dinner party, and I started preparation of this very tasty dish. Because one of my friend is vegetarian, I decided to modify the traditional recipe of stuffed-cabbage. I replaced ground meat with Portobello mushrooms and vegetables. 

Fresh fish - Whole Foods Market 
Union Sq Market

            The most challenging part of preparation was to find proper cabbage with large leaves. I went to Union Square farmers market, which is very colorful on Saturday morning. I saw many stands with fresh vegetables and fruits from local farms. I bought fresh herbs such as parsley and dill that were important ingredients for my dish.   Despite the fact that I purchased some fresh herbs and mix of green salad, I did not find any cabbages. One of the sellers told me that it is still  to early to  sell cabbage, simply because this vegetable have not grown enough to be harvested. Fortunately across 14th Street, there is a Whole Foods Market, where I found nice large cabbages from Florida. In Whole Foods, I also bought mushrooms, vegetables and jasmine rice.

Steamed whole cabbage

Gołąbki - ready to cook

            In early evening I started preparation of Golabki. I began my culinary adventure by cooking jasmine rice. The rice for filling cabbage should be sticky, therefore I used more water and I cooked it longer until the rice became to stick together. In the second pot I steamed  entire head of cabbage for about 15 minutes. The next step was preparation of stuffing. On the frying-pan I sautéed 2 chopped medium onions and 3chopped cloves of garlic in oil. Than  I added chopped Portobello mushrooms. After 10 minutes I added one cup of  mixed of fresh dill and parsley . Finally I mixed everything with rice. I added 2 rough eggs, salt, pepper, and a cup of bullion of "Vegeta".  I removed steamed cabbage from the pot and I started to separate its leaves. Finally I stuffed each of the leaves and wrapped them. In the large pot I placed layers of wrapped staffed cabbage and each layer I separated by leaves of cabbage. Finally I added juice from previously cooked head of cabbage and I leaved them to simmer for the next 30 minutes. The last task was to prepare sauce for the Golabki. I wormed up  3 spoons of butter on the frying-pan and I added one large spoon of  flour and I mixed until I got smooth texture. Than I added 3 spoons of tomato paste and cup of broth. I mixed everything until I had the texture of thick sauce. I added some salt, black pepper and a little bit of sugar.

           Diner table. Good food = happy people:)

            The dish was very successful. All my friends were impressed by the well balanced test of that dish. We served "Gołąbki" with "Albero" - sparkling white wine, made with organically grown grapes in Spain. In addition for dessert we made delicious refreshing fruit salad. All friends and myself, we had a lot of fun at this night, and the flavor of stuffed cabbage and nice atmosphere of that night will stay in our memory for very long time.

Sparkling White Wine

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

#15 Playtime Is Over

The passage “Playtime is Over” written by David Elkind touch up on very interesting issue that is student’s free time. The author states that recess is no more free students’ time but has been replaced by recreation under supervision of “recess coaches”. The study of University of Michigan pointed that in the last decades the young students ”lost eight hours of free time a week for unstructured play and outdoor activities.” The number of free recreation hours constantly decrease in favor of hours of classes. I personally disagree with the author of passage these hours are lost. I believe that the recreation under supervision of adult “recess coaches” causes more advantages than plays of kids by themselves. Children need the proper guides to discover surrounding world. I think that process of socializing of children is better if an adult supervises children’s free activities. In addition, children should be slowly prepared for the challenges that they are going to face in their future life.
Firstly, we should remember that children are very naïve. They need appropriate guide who can inspire them and help to discover the world and show what is god and what bad in their behavior. As a child, I used to believe in many stories made up by my friends. My classmate once told me that he keeps an African Lion in the backyard, and if I don’t give him some candies his animal Is going to swallow me. Today that story seems very funny; however, for one who is eight years old this was terribly curtail message.  If as a kids we would have someone who would give us good advices and direction of play we would better use the time of free recreation, and faster uncover that some stories are unreal and not true. I believe that the process of socializing of children can pass smoother if the children could have an adult supervisor, who can help them to understand the world. Children are unable to estimate surrounding world, therefore the help of professional couch can be very helpful.
          Secondly, children have a lot of energy to run down. To help children to grow up in sustainable way they need as many hours of recreation as possible. I believe that a practice of sport helps a lot in proper development of children. As an example I should mention my sisters eight years old son. His behavior had changed a lot since he started trainings of Karate. He became quiet and more concentrated at school. Thanks to Karate coach that little boy discovered that some behaviors are inappropriate. The trainer explained them also that the children should be respectful and friendly for their mates.
Finally, we should remember that modern world changes very rapidly. Every day we face new challenges. In order to preparing children to face difficulties of the future life, adults should give them opportunity to grow up in good environment. I believe that outdoor activities and observation of nature can learn a lot. Children should have an adult who can help them managing their time, so these activities can help in development of children’s skills. There are many techniques that professional teachers or coaches use in order to help to educate young students. As an example I should mention “Green Schools”, which has often place in countryside. During the few days trip to the countryside children can learn about the farm’s animals, discover how to use traditional village tools and eat natural food that comes from the farm. This form of education brings unforgettable experience, that stay in the memory of young students for very long time.
As I mentioned, I believe that education and proper development during the early children’s life can be better if young students have support from teachers and coaches because they can help children to understand the surrounding world, and explain may difficult issues in an appropriate way.  


Monday, May 14, 2012

#14 Myth: Bottled water tastes better than tap water.

One of the most common myths about the water is that  bottled water tests better than tap water. However, facts show something different. In many cases tap water test as good or better as bottled water. The article "Bottled Water Myth Versus Reality" explains that commercials of  of bottled water companies are trying  to convince us to buy their products. However, the surveys prepared by New York Times and Cleveland’s local TV news channel show that in many cases  people prefer tap water that bottled. The american society
 is very naive and easy believe to commercial messages, therefore is so easy to convince people that bottle of water is much better for you that glass of tap. As responsible members of our society we should not believe to everything that sellers tell us. The fact is that we pay a lot of money  just for the bottle or the commercials that promotes certain products.

Reality: In taste test after taste test, people can’t tell the difference. Corporate
Accountability International’s “Think Outside the Bottle” campaign has held countless
taste tests comparing bottled water to tap water, as have many media outlets, from The
New York Times to Cleveland’s local TV news channel. The results generally favor the
tap. Ultimately, however, the point isn’t whether one
tastes better than the other—its how our tastes are
shaped by advertising, rather than by what’s good
for us. Between 10 and 15 percent of the price of
a bottle of water goes to cover advertising costs.1
We not only buy their myths, it turns out we pay
extra for them.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


The author of passage “Mom, Dad, Buy Broccoli” highlights very important issue of advertising of the junk food for children. The article shows that commercials of this unhealthy went out of control. The passage states that the 10 biggest sellers of the “empty calories” decided to cut back on commercials directed to kids. I think that decision of reducing number of commercials that are directed to children is very important, and makes significant step to change habits of young Americans. We should remember that by many years the American families developed very bad style of eating of junk food. I believe that the fast food industries make our children fat, destroys the tradition of eating together with family at home, and change the habits of our society.
First of all, it is proved that: fast food, sodas and candies are not good for children. Children’s diet should be sustainable and very rich with natural ingredients. However, the large American food companies promote the food which is unhealthy. Many kids drink everyday huge quantity of soda, overeat chips, French fries and hamburgers from fast food companies. This food is very unhealthy. The food studies show that each generation is more obese than the previous one. Children don’t spend enough time making outdoor activities. As an example I can mention children of my neighbors that spend about four hours every day playing computer games, and eating junk food at the same time. Their parents don’t like to cook at home. In the effect, children don't know how beneficial eating fresh fruits and vegetables can be because they eat just high processed food from McDonalds, Taco Bell, Wendy’s etc.
Another interesting issue is the fact that junk food destroys the traditional way of eating in American houses. By many years the most important place of American house was the table. Parents used to meet their children as well as friends of family by one table in order to eat together self-prepared dinner. The habit of eating together is very important for the families because reinforce relationship between parents and their children.  However, I noticed that the most important item of nowadays home became computer, TV ,and smart phone. The “modern” families don’t cook anymore at home. Many of my friends prefer calling for delivery of food from the near fast food than cook by themselves. In addition, less and less families eat together. I am friend with one family, and I noticed that each member of that family takes its disposable food container and goes eating by himself at his room and watching TV or playing computer games at the same time. I think that this custom caused devastation of something very important: the strong family ties, because parents have less opportunity to for real conversation with their kids, and this is very sad.
       Finally, I believe that the food companies changed the lifestyle of Americans. The young generation relate synonym of good food with the companions such as McDonalds or Wendy’s. They are so wrong; therefore it is very important to educate young people about the quality of food that they eat. In my opinion the commercials of unhealthy food that are directed to children should not be allowed. Children and teenagers are still under process of development, and messages sent by commercials can effect negatively on their life. It is important that the young generation understand that eating junk food is unhealthy and causes obesity and heard diseases, therefore the information from the passage that 10 large companies decided to cutting back on advertising junk food to children is very optimistic.
       As shown uncontrolled habit of eating junk food and uncontrolled advertising of unhealthy food can have very significant results for us and our children. Eating fast food make progressively our society sick and obese.  In addition devastate very important tradition of eating together by one table. Finally irreversible can change our lifestyle. Therefore is very important to understand that problem. I believe as educated members of our society we should promote healthy food and traditional behaviors among our families. It will make relationship of families stronger and healthier. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Eating Habits

Nowadays the food industry is one of the most lucrative and fastest growing fields of American economy. For the last few decades lifestyle and eating habits of American people changes a lot.  The modern Americans are very busy and don’t sped to much time cooking at home, therefore many people  developed the habit of eating  in the fast foods. Despite the fact that the fast food offers cheap and big portions the quality of its food is very bad.  The fast food meals are highly processed ,high in fat, sodium, sugar and cholesterol. This is just not natural and very unhealthy for consumers. The fast food eating habit referred as McDonalization create many dangerous health results such as obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol and cancer.  The study of food habits show that a generation ago, about three quarters of meals eaten by Americans were home made. Today more people eat in the restaurant and fast foods because is cheaper and faster. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

12: Factory Farming

Since the beginning of human civilization family farms have cultivated fields and raised the animals in very sustainable way.  However at the end of twentieth century food corporations  sloweley started displacing small farms. As a result   nowadays we have very limited number of family farms, and its number is constantly  reducing. 

Human health, communities and  environment  is affected by food production

“It is critical for consumers to learn about where their food comes from and make their own informed choices”

Sustainable farms

Farmers life is very hard...

Nowadays there is less and less small family farmers. However, many farms that grew to the food factories proportions use the name family farms

- Food industry is dominated by large scale food factories - they are supported by government
- every week 330 farmers leave their land - family farmers go out of buisness
nowadays there is about five millions less farms than there was in 1930
- very fewer people becoming farmers today
- just 6% of farmers are younger than the age of 35

What we should do to support sustainable, family farmers:
-         We should buy food from small, independent family farms. They use methods that are sustainable and safe for environment.
-         Small families farms make small communities wealthier. In the food corporations benefits go to fiewer people
-          - family farms production is not aggressive and makes environment more varied when ….
-         Family farmers serve as responsible steward (zarzadca) of the land
-         Small farmers usually live near to their farms and 
the existance of familly farms .....

Monday, April 30, 2012

#11 - The Meatrix

“The Meatrix” films: “The Meatrix”, “The Meatrix: Revolting”, and “The Meatrix II ½”, are series of the cartoons that are inspired by the film of brothers Wachowski The Matrix. The main purpose of “The Meatrix” is to make viewers aware of animal living condition and show the process of feeding animals.
The livestock is treat by the food factories owners in very bad condition. The pigs and cows don’t have space and are sick. There are stuff of unnaturally by artificial animal feed   antibiotics  Their life is pitiful and full of pain. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Today the Writing center tutors-in-training visited our class to help us with revisions of blog #7 and #9.
This was very useful experience. The tutor Danielle helped me to develop the essay, find mistakes, and make it easier to read. Thanks to tutor I found more evidence and examples to support my essay. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

#9. Red Pill or Blue Pill: Is Ignorance Bliss?

Christine Cornell and Patrick Malcomson, the authors of the passage “Red Pill or Blue Pill: Is Ignorance Bliss?” confront the protagonists of two pieces: “The Matrix” - science fiction action film written and directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski in 1999, and “Alice in Wonderland” - novel written by Lewis Carroll in 1865. The authors of the passage show that “The Matrix” and “Allice in Wonderland” were inspired by “The Allegory of the Cave” – parable written by Plato about 500 B.C. Despite the fact that these tree works were written in different time of development of human civilization, they unveil confusion and pose an eternal question: whether our life is real or it is just a dream - illusion from reality.  In my opinion the authors of these tree stories used the metaphor as a tool to show us that human life has “second bottom” - the mystery that everyone has to discover during his or her life journey. In “The Matrix” the blue pill represents life of ignorance, and the red pill the life of awareness - full of experiences. If I have a chance to decide about my life I would choose the red pill, because life of ignorance seems to be very sad.

First , I think that the ”red pill” world is very fascinating. In “The Matrix” Morpeus said: “You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes… Remember, all I’m offering is truth, nothing more.” I'm impressed by people who are curious about surrounding world. The philosophers and scientists penetrate the world in order to find the answer that bothers human being since ever. Their outstanding behaviors, creativity and self-determination helped human civilization achieve success in many fields. The innovations, especially science development could not be possible if the scientists didn't have challenges. There are many examples proving, that self-determination and creativity brings many goods for the human civilization. My favorite example is life of Nicolas Copernicus, whose outstanding writings caused strong reactions of his surroundings of that time, and turned science upside down. As a result he revealed the new world order, and began the scientific revolution.

Another interesting issue which can be symbolized by the red pill is education. Thanks to education we can see and understand the issues we didn’t notice before. We start to change and improve the world. I think that the human achievements should be useful for the society we live in. I think that everyone has a social role, which makes us useful for society. As People living in a free, democratic country we are very lucky because we have many opportunities to improve our knowledge and skills. We can go to school and develop our talents that can serve for other people. In my opinion people that join college are more conscious members of our society. It is proved the 2010 census data shows that the crimes in educated group of people are many times lower than uneducated. In addition educated people have better job opportunity. I graduated from architectural school in Poland and without that experience I couldn’t practice an architectural designer profession today.

Finally, I would take a “red pill” because I would like to know that my existence has a positive influence on the community that I live in, and for the future generations. I care about people, animals and natural environment that surrounds me. I am thinking more about reasons and effects of my existence. For example I would love to own a luxurious house furnished of exotic wood. However, to bring tropical timber to our houses the rain forest has to be destroyed. If these actions are massive, it can cause irreversible changes in the ecosystem. In my opinion people should be more responsible, and they should think more about their purchasing, because indirectly they can  irrecoverably damage the natural environment.

As shown, the world symbolized by “red pill” can be very interesting and fascinating. The history brings us many examples of  people who disobeyed society's rules. The people who tried to follow their own instincts has significant influence to human civilization. In addition education and responsible behavior causes, that our live can by joyful, and bring many positive effects to our surroundings.

Monday, April 16, 2012

#8 1. Are You Living in The Matrix? Neo suspects from the beginning of the story that something is wrong with his world: that he is somehow controlled or manipulated into believing things that are not true. The Wachowski brothers (the writers and directors of the film) had to get the idea that we might be living in a fake world from somewhere; and, in fact, The Matrix resonated with audiences who rarely watch science fiction. Are we living in The Matrix? Are you? How do you know?

1. Are You Living in The Matrix? Neo suspects from the beginning of the story that something is wrong with his world: that he is somehow controlled or manipulated into believing things that are not true. The Wachowski brothers (the writers and directors of the film) had to get the idea that we might be living in a fake world from somewhere; and, in fact, The Matrix resonated with audiences who rarely watch science fiction. Are we living in The Matrix? Are you? How do you know?

Since  the beginning of human civilization, people  believed that  the alternative world exist somewhere else; however, we are still unable to proof of existence of other civilizations. 
 People like the stories and intellectual challenges;

 however, so far we couldn't  any other civilizations. Therefore we create the stories.  as the only one

 civilization living on the Earth most intellectually developed beings living on the Earth we feel lonely. Since ever we we would like to share the experience of our civilization and compete  with other beings. Unfortunately, other creatures living on the Earth are less intelligent and unable to satisfy our intellectuals needs, therefore people create the stories and dream, that .

 In Antiquity with its creatures exist somewhere else. . In antiquity   The history of literature and cinematography shows many examples of Science Fiction stories. 

In aquity 

The Matrix doesn't exist.
Matrix is one of hundreds science fiction stories, that was written to entertain people. It inspires us to think about or life deeper but doesn't convince.
No one found the way to penetrate the alternative real world. We can believe in many stories but this is just imagination.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blog#7 The Dangers of Reality TV

In the passage "The Dangers of Reality TV." Timothy Sexton states that "The life is nothing but the competition". Nowadays, people need more and more stimulants in order to succeed in their lives. We are bored by routines of our lives, such as job, home duties, and the same friends all the time. In order to entertain our boring life, we watch the reality shows, that move us to life of our dreams. However, In my opinion the TV shows send many negative messages. The reality shows are stupefying and make people believe to fake and exaggerated image of society.
First of all, the reality TV present the fake image of the society. The audience of real TV are usually young people, who are in the process of self- developing. The young generation takes the information from the media without any verification. As an example I could bring the show "Desperate Housewife", where people are rich and spoiled. However the real image of society is different. The reality TV promotes extremely exaggerated behaviors, that are overdrawn. The TV producers want just to keep audiences excited. However, many times the TV audiences think, that the lifestyle shown in that show is the standard behavior. At work, school or in bars, we can see many people that discuss issues from the shows. The young people find that very attractive. In my opinion, that is dangerous. The teenagers can have difficulties to face the problem of real life, which is completely different that TV show.
Another interesting issue is that TV promotes just powerful people, with strong personality. The show producers make us believe that "the competition is the key to success in the market economy". In the shows, there are many participants but just one winner, who is the most cunning or has  the best appearance . The average or week people are not attractive for TV. However, the real society is more diversified, and usually not as perfect as participants of the show. We should remember that the power and financial success are not the only one attribute that make someone valuable.
Finally, I believe that the majority of reality shows are stupefying, and promote entertaining people, who are usually "empty". The most ridiculous TV show in my opinion is “Jackass”, which  try to amuse TV audiences  by showing self-mutilation. It doesn't have any educational or ethical value, and brings us the lowest level of entertainment. I am disappointed that in TV, there is fewer and fewer shows that promote good, intelligent entertainment.
Personally, I stopped to watch TV shows few years ago, because I don’t find them anymore funny.  The shows create the fake image of the society, displaying just exaggerated characters. In addition the TV shows are stupefying. I am afraid that teenagers, who are growing up on watching the real TV can have difficulties to become a part of the real society, which is more diversified. 

Blog #6 3. Self - determination: Truman struggles between what his society (and his "god", Cristoff) tells him to do and be, and what he feels he wants to be. Consider your own life (or life of someone you know well): Have you ever disobeyed society's rules because you were trying to follow your own instincts? What made you want to disobey the rules? What did you expect to gain from your disobedience confirm that you made the right choce? Again, you may use someone other than yourself for this opinion.

When six hundred years ago Nicolaus Copernicus published “On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres” - the new the theory showing the Glob circulates around the Sun, everyone though, that he lost his mind, and he talk nonsense. He had very little support form his fellows; even he proved his researches with very strong evidence.
Copernicus’ outstanding writings caused strong reactions of his surroundings of that time, and turned the science upside down. As a result he revealed the new world order, and began the scientific revolution. However,the history shown that, the individual who disobeyed society's rules and tried to follow their own instincts has significant influence over human civilization.The innovations, especially science development could not be possible if the scientists stay in the position as surround society. There is many examples proving, that self-determination and creativity brings many goods for the human civilization.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

BLOG#5 I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts


One of the most significant weaknesses of human brain is the fact, that people are very naive, and belief easily in lies. Human's brains are very sticky to the false information. The study of scientists, described by Jefferey Kluger in the passage: "I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts", conclude that: "It is easy to manipulate people's belief systems with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes". People in general are so attached to their beliefs that they don't wont to change their opinion, even has been proved that they are wrong.

            I think that the main problem is the fact, that the majority of people draw information from the media without any verification. The TV is the fastest, and easies information provider. However, many studies shown that contemporary society has tendency to avoid analyze messages.  As a result, the modern society is slowly stupefy by media, and more credulous. People draw more and more  information base on  images and short messages,  therefore these messages can be easy acquire  and don’t  have to be analyzed.

The politicians, and corporation lobbyists that have influence over media like . This is amazing tool  is used to convince people to their rights. The best example are presidential elections. Usually the candidates present on TV  has more chances to win elections. People believe that if he is in TV he is very important, and vote to him. The same way corporations show their power that they products they sell and change your life. If we see successful , handsome person used account in Citibank, we  subconsciously want to be the same. we want to identify with sertain brends and use their products. However, we should know, that the society that don't think weak and  become the tool of grup rzadzacych.

            Another issue that is important is the fact, that false believe create many problems. False believe are the most powerful tool to stimulate peoples behavior, especially in totalitary regim countries such as North Korea. The most extreme example of government propaganda in such a contries as Nort korea become become so powerful that habitants of that countries beleieve that everyting what is out of their countru is dangarous/ KOreans brains przeszly pranie mozgu. This society individuals are unable to have their own opinion, analize the facts and wysuwac wnioski .They take governmant info as an fact and trust a lot.

Even the peole who find out the facts, don't want to change their opinion, I am always warry about how easly th shows neames and facas people who are suspects shocking TV facts,ana present the names of people who are suspected in crymes or their activity. Television likes shocking unfo, but we should know  It is impotrant that tv shows alll info responibly thet media have huge responsibility as well. Very often people shown as suspects become niewinni, however bad image stick to th face of that person for many years. They life become an horror, then can be excluded from society by wrong juges.
Another example is the fact which was mention in th article"..." about MOaque, taht supose to be build in Ground Zero area. I watch docimentary in PBS which explained that almost all info public has in media are not true. Musulmans organization wantednopen Musulman Culturalk Center in Downtown Manhattan, few bloks from ground zeto but media rozprzestrzenily plotke that it is Ground Zeo

            Finally, I highly agree with the opinion of ..., that it is easy manipulate people's believe ystem with insinuating pictures or inflamantory quates. When i think about that isuue, immediatly (przychodzi mi na mysl) tabloid press, that zywi sie szokujacymi nowinami i zdjeciami. Tabloids hiring paparazzi who fallow famous people in oprder to get zdjecie - more shocking better!! Usulally pictures dont give the background situation and can be vey easy interpretowane - ussualy wrong. So media create wrong stories. But the readers of that kind of press have tpo remember that niejednokrotnie such a pictures or records can destroid sombodys life, and as a readers we are are taking part of selling industry. One of the best example is the rumor about planned Mosque at Ground Zero. There was huge public discution In fact,  Muslim Community Centerin Downtown Manhattan. Most people think that It is
Another example is mesage or pictures from Afganistan. TV shows messsages or pictures of Alkaida terrorists as terraorists with kalasznikow., but the real fact is completly different. The majority of people are peacefull hard working who wants piecesa ndlive in godnym zyciu

As shown, we can find many examples of human naiwnosci and miserable behaviors. We should remember that the fals believs, insinuation pictures and inflamantories quates are part of manipulation. Some wants us to beleive to that. We should feel more confortable with our own opinion. We should criztisize som eof them We should analize the facts czerpane z roznych zrodel abnd wyrobic our own opinion We shouldnent neither stick to those opinion because the worle change and we can bewreong

 I think that reason of that situation is fact, that people are lazy, and they don't filter the information.

In my opinion contemporary society is
I think that  more and more people draw their information from TV without  People trust more and more media and they don't want to think to much about TV



I believe that one of the most significant human weaknesses is the fact, that people are very sticky to false beliefs and rumor.
Reason 1:
False believes cause many problems…
People don't think - just draw the information, without any filtration.I see that people prefer easier life; they don’t want to think too much about the information that is provided.
Reason 3:
It is easy to manipulate people's belief system with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes.
Reason 4:
Even the people, who learn the facts, don't want to change their opinion.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


"The Allegory of the Cave" has been written by Plato about 2 400 year ago, and describes imagination on his world in symbolic way. He shows the people, as chained  prisoners facing the wall  full of shadows. They are not able to move, so they don't know  what causes these shadows. As a result, they think that the shadows are real. They used to live in that pitiful condition since ever, so they don't know that "real" world exist somewhere else. One day, one of prisoners became free. He left the cave, and went to see the real world outside the cave. He was shocked. He found out that everything he had known so far was just reflection of real shapes and sounds. He decided to return to the cave and brings good news to other prisoners. Unfortunately, they did not understand what he is talking about. They mocked at him and tried to kill him.

Plato's Allegory symbolically describes the world that we live in.  The Philosopher shows our  life as a cave, and we are chained prisoners, who think that the reflected shapes on the wall are real . Plato believes that we can free ourself  by intellectual challenges. The world of knowledge gives us the power to  break the chains, and see the real source that brings energy to our soul and mind. The philosophical idea encourages us to answer the question: Where is my place in the cave? As usually there is no easy answer  for philosophical questions. 
I think that I am one, who is trying to free himself from the chains of  triviality of  life. I am always looking for opportunity to see new perspectives, and reach new goals, to satisfy my personal needs. Few years ago I decided to leave Poland, and start my new life in New York. It was very challenging decision; the new country with its rules, new language,  and new culture. I settled down, and I found new friends and interesting job. The fact of living in New York gave me opportunity to meet exciting people from different parts of world, with their different points of view. I understood what cultural diversity means. The fact of living in New York encourages me to face new  intellectual challenges, and to answer many new questions that I didn't have before.
 I think, that the strong self-confidence, and optimistic life attitude can give me enough force to break the chains, and perceive many thinks that I did not notice before.

Monday, March 12, 2012


One of the most significant weaknesses of human brain  is the fact, that people are very naive, and belief very easily in lies. People's brains are very sticky to the false information. The study of scientists, described by Jefferey Kluger in the passage: "I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts", conclude that: "It is easy to manipulate people's belief systems with insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes". People in general are so attached to their beliefs, that they don't like to change their opinion, even has been proved that they are wrong.

Sunday, March 11, 2012



"Every day an estimated 12 billion display ads, 3 million radio commercials, and more than 200,000 TV commercials are dumped into North America’s collective unconscious". Kale Lasen brings this shocking statement in the passage "Hype". Author highlights  many facts and observations about increase number of commercial  advertising. Now days, the big companies, as well as  small sellers, try to catch public attention, and sell their products whenever is possible. As a result of this, there is less and less places free of advertisement. The critical article's issue is the fact, that significant number of advertising  destructs perception of human surroundings, and our brains are more and more polluted by number of marketing messages. The advertising industry is one of the most dynamic businesses that uses sophisticated techniques, such as; manipulation, disturbance or event people called "trends lancers".
Firs at all, nobody likes to be manipulated, however manipulation became one of a favorite tools in the marketing world. For example, after busy day at work you are watching TV. One thought that you have is just to relaxed. But you should know that, even nobody is in your room, you are not by yourself. "The Big Brother" - advertising companies, take care of you. They are trying to use as much of your attention as they can, to sell you their goods. You  can see in the movie the headquarter of Chase bank, movie characters hanging out in Starbucks Coffee, or flying with Delta. Don't be naive, and presume that it is happening accidentally. The movie's production gets a lot of many by using sponsor's brand names in the movies.
Another annoying issue is the fact, that the commercials are used  to  disturb peace of the public audience. The best example are TV commercials. They take as boasting time as the movies or TV shows. The TV programs are interrupted by publicity blocks and people  spend many hours watching it. This annoying fact makes almost impossible to focus on. The  audience is exhausted  of watching the same commercials again and again. I am the best example of people, who  stopped to watch TV because of increasing number of publicity. Instead of watching TV I prefer to rent DVD, and be sure that nothing interrupts the joy of  watching the movie.
Finally, we know that companies spend huge amount of money to promote their products. They want always to be one step ahead, in order to impress potential buyers. I have just read about interesting way of  marketing. To promote their products, advertising companies  use  celebrities that have many fans and followers, called "Trend Lancers". For example,  If you are fan of Lady Gaga, and she just posted on Twitter that she spent awesome day shopping in H&M, be realistic. It doesn't  necessary means that she loves that store. Usually she is used as a very attractive tool of advertising business. In this case she promotes certain products for potential buyers, who are also her fans.
As I described advertising industry use many ways to catch their buyers, and some of them are very aggressive, or inappropriate. There is nothing wrong with advertising if the way of doing it is sustainable and transparent.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Firs Post

I've just created the first Blog in my life! I hope to have a lot of fun and improving my English!
So Let's GO!!!